Apply for a Summer Trip!
We believe that every person has a part to play in fulfilling the Great Commission.
In Matthew 28:18, Jesus gave his final exhortation to his disciples before ascending to heaven: to go and make disciples of all nations! This wasn’t just a command for the first believers, but still extends to us today. At Antioch, we take evangelism seriously! We’d love to dialogue with you about what your part can look like in fulfilling the Great Commission. Below are several opportunities we have for you to jump in.
Discovering the Nations

The first step is to explore your interest through any of the local opportunities listed below. These are intended to train you in ministering to people in our city and nation first.

The second step is to engage with life overseas! Our overseas short-term trips and internships are intended to serve the vision of an overseas team and reach the unreached.

The last step is to launch out! There are different options available including starting a missionary team or joining an existing one.
*Requires the Church-Planting School
Antioch is a global church-planting movement with teams all over the world.
We exist to make disciples and bring the kingdom to the unreached.

Short-Term Mission Trips
Vision and Goals for Mission Trips
Every mission trip presents a unique experience, shaped by a variety of factors. The location we go to plays a significant role, as does our understanding of God’s call, whether it’s to plant a church, support an existing church, or respond to a crisis. Equally important is recognizing how God is moving in that area and identifying who we are partnering with. However, a consistent goal across all trips is to balance our activities, avoiding being constantly “on the go.” This approach allows us to be more present and effective in our mission, and gives the team an opportunity to experience what it would look like to live missionally in that specific location.
An Average Day on the Mission Field
Personal Time with God
A normal day on a mission trip starts with Personal Time with God. This is a crucial part of the day where individuals spend time in intimacy with the Lord. This personal time is devoted to prayer, Bible reading, worship, and listening to God. It’s a period for personal reflection and connection with God, setting a spiritual foundation for the day’s activities.
Team Time
Following personal devotion, Team Time is an integral part of the daily schedule. This is when the whole team comes together to connect, pray, worship, and read Scripture. It’s a time to collectively seek God, encounter His presence, and ask, “Lord, what is in Your heart for today?“. Meeting with God as a group is crucial for receiving His guidance and ensuring we are not relying solely on our own strength and wisdom but in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Ministry Approach
The Ministry Approach of the day typically involves various activities such as prayer walking, street evangelism, or serving the community through different ministries. This part of the day is where the team actively engages in the mission, applying what they’ve gathered from their personal and team time with God to real-world situations and community interactions.
Process Time
The day usually concludes with Process Time. This is a reflective period where team members share their highs, lows, challenges, and testimonies. It’s also a time for check-ins, providing an opportunity for everyone to process their experiences, offer support to each other, and reflect on the impact of their work both individually and as a team. This time helps in celebrating what God did, cementing the day’s experiences, and learning from them.
Interested in Missions?
If you have interest in missions, whether going overseas yourself or serving missionaries here at Antioch, we'd love to connect with you and help you discover how to get plugged in. Please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.