Connection Prayer

Connection Prayer is a simple time of asking God intentional questions about who He is and who we are.
His answers free us up to love him more and see life from his perspective. You will leave encouraged to have deeper friendship with God and empowered to live a proactive lifestyle of growing in intimacy with Him.
These guided sessions are a great opportunity to grow in your intimacy with the Lord in a safe, risk-free environment. Our facilitators will prompt you with questions to ask God in prayer and are there to provide guidance or assist as needed. Their goal is not to direct a session but simply come alongside you to help if you feel stuck or encourage you to go deeper in conversation with the Lord.
Our team has found that following a Connection Prayer session people feel more confident to hear God's voice, are encouraged by what He spoke and experience more freedom after God resolves issues of the heart during the session.
Schedule a Session
If you are interested in having a Connection Prayer session, we would love to set up a time to meet with you. Sessions typically last up to two hours and times to meet are flexible.

Sign Up for Training
We are constantly looking to train and equip new people in Connection Prayer. If you are interested in being a part of our team, click the button below to fill out our sign up form and we will be in touch soon!
Schedule a Session
Are you interested in having a session? We'd love to meet with you! When you come for your session, you can expect a simple time where you will be guided through asking God intentional questions and receiving what He wants to share for you. He may bring up past issues or lies you are believing to process through, but the ultimate goal of Connection Prayer is intimacy with God!
We also recommend bringing along a trusted friend, accountability partner or discipler for your session. Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you.
Sign Up for Training
We are so excited that you are interested in joining the Connection Prayer Team. The internship process to join the team requires having your own Connection Prayer session, observing sessions, facilitating a session with a mentor and receiving additional training.